Do Mothballs or Ammonia Really Repel Fullerton Rats?

Some Fullerton people consider ammonia and mothballs as an excellent way to deter the rat activity in their house. However, the truth can be farther from this. Apart from the dangers that it presents to the homeowners and the environment, results shows that it is also ineffective against the rats. In this article, we will help shed a light on the common myths that surround these popular repellents.  

Mothballs Will Not Be Effective Against Rats

Mothballs contain an active ingredient known as naphthalene. This is a white substance that releases that offensive odor. Once this was inhaled, the blood cells will lose its capacity to carry oxygen. This is the reason why some people believe that it can repel the rat infestation. Some people think that by placing the mothballs close to the infestation, you can eliminate your rat problem. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

The percentage of naphthalene that is contained in the mothball is significantly low. It would be sufficient to discourage some California insects such as moths but this will not be effective against the rats. The level of naphthalene content required to drive away the rats will be intolerable for the humans. There are numerous instances when the rats will simply walk over these mothballs and will not pay attention to them. 

Let's say that the Fullerton rats find the smell of the mothballs offensive. They will simply need to look for another location in your house if you put the mothballs close to their nest. This may lead to another problem since they will gnaw boards and walls to create passages to the new location of their nest. This is why mothballs will not be effective against the rats.

Ammonia Won't Work Against Rats

Just like mothballs, California people believe that the smell of the ammonia can scare the rats. They will leave a container filled with ammonia close to the den of the rats. They hope that the strong stench that the ammonia releases will be enough to drive the rats away. While the scent of the ammonia will smell like the urine of their predators such as cats, remember that the urine of the rats will also smell like ammonia. The rats are clever creature and they will return to your property once they noticed that there are no predators present in the room.

Using ammonia will deliver little to no result when preventing the rat infestation in your California house. Usually, the attic will be large enough for the rat to avoid the scent of the ammonia. As time goes by, the scent of the ammonia will dissipate. The chemicals that the ammonia releases will also have a detrimental effect to the environment and your health.

If you need a better way to repel the activities of the Fullerton rats, exclusion and trapping device will be the more suitable method that will deliver a long-term solution. Rats can be a problem due to their destructive method. You will need to use a method that is proven effective against them.

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